A lot of events will provide food and drink. If you want to serve food, there are a few things GOV.uk recommend you confirm:
Whether the food preparation and serving areas are clean and in good condition – this includes all facilities and equipment
They should also be in a good position so the food doesn’t become contaminated by things like pests or waste
Whether the washing up facilities are adequate – think about the number of people attending
If someone will be available to answer any questions about allergies, the ingredients of the food and its origins
These are good questions to ask venue managers if you’re booking somewhere to host your event. It can give you one less thing to worry about – having a team of experienced individuals to deal with the food.
Food labelling has become more of a priority in recent years, but it’s only a requirement for registered food businesses to follow regulations, including at one-off events. If you’re providing food, but not as a business, it can be helpful to indicate whether any food contains common allergens. Your local council should also have food safety officers who can provide advice.
If you’re serving drinks, make sure you’re licensed to serve alcohol and consider non-alcoholic options too.